Clinic Closure Dates: 




About the Urgent Care Clinic

Urgent care doctorThe Urgent Care Clinic is located at:

650 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Please enter through the main entrance on Baltimore and Pine Streets (walkway leading up to entrance).

The Urgent Care Clinic is open Monday to Friday

Please check our Announcements for any closure dates


If you are a regular patient who has been assigned to a student or resident, follow these steps:

During Regular Business Hours

STEP 1 - If you have been registered as a regular patient in one of the School of Dentistry's clinics and have a dental emergency, you should first try to contact the student or resident who has been assigned to you.

STEP 2 - If you are unable to contact them and it is during business hours, you may contact a Patient Care Coordinator at 410-706-8127 for assistance.

After Hours Emergency Steps

STEP 1 - If you have been registered as a regular patient  in one of the School of Dentistry's clinics and have a dental emergency, you should first try to contact the student or resident who has been assigned to you.

STEP 2 - If it is after business hours (between 4:30 p.m. and 8 a.m.) and you are unable to contact your student or resident, you may call our after-hours emergency line at 443-827-5011This line is available only if the School of Dentistry is closed, including during weekends and between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on weekdays.


The Urgent Care Clinic is a walk-in clinic for patients experiencing pain or swelling. The clinic is open Monday through Friday. There are limited urgent care appointments available and they are filled each weekday morning on a first-come, first-served basis. Please know that patients come early in the morning to try to ensure a spot.

Effective July 1, 2023, there is a fee of $197, which includes exam, X-ray and one simple extraction.

Payment is due at the time of service. Please note: there may be additional fees depending on the type of treatment needed. Please bring your insurance card, if you have one, a picture ID and a list of any medications and dosages you are currently taking.

A visit to the Urgent Care Clinic does not make you a regular patient of the school of dentistry.  If you would like to become a regular patient at the school of dentistry, please call 410-706-7063 and ask for a screening appointment.

During an Urgent Care visit, only the patient’s most urgent need will be addressed to allow time to see as many patients as possible. To help prevent delays and provide efficient and safe treatment, please bring the following information with you to the appointment:

  • Physician’s name and phone number
  • List of your medications and supplements, including doses
  • Any recent blood work you may have
  • If you are pregnant, please bring a letter from your physician advising as to what antibiotics, pain relievers, and anesthetics can be safely given to you.
  • **Please take all your medications on your normal schedule, unless your doctor has told you not to.