Office of Student Affairs
F 410-706-4131
Fundraising Policy
Student groups are permitted to sponsor fundraising activities to raise funds to attend conferences, host events, build facilities, and provide their services to their community. Fundraising activities foster team building and promotion of a student group.
Student groups are now able to use the University of Maryland School of Dentistry (UMSOD) logo. However, student groups are encouraged to create their own designs for fundraising items*. Any design and/or logo, including the use of the UMSOD logo must be approved beforehand by the Office of Communications. Student groups should refer to the School of Dentistry Student Branding Guidelines when creating your design and/or logo. Please contact the Office of Communications for design approvals. All Fundraising activities with use of a logo must be consistent with UMB policies and procedures.
Any student group that is interested in engaging in a fundraising activity with an outside entity such as a restaurant, clothing vendor, etc. is required to have a tax ID number (EIN). This helps to ensure the IRS will not make any of a student group’s member(s) personally responsible for taxes on revenue that the organization has earned. The use of UMB or SOD’s EIN is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with these policies and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action according to section 2M of the Student Judicial Policy.
Only recognized and registered student groups may sponsor a fundraising activity. All student fundraisers must be approved by the Office of Student Affairs before fundraising can begin by submitting a request using the UMSOD Event Registration Form. The Student Activities Form PDF should be completed and uploaded into the request form along with the approved email and design. Please allow at least two weeks for your event to be reviewed and approved.
*Sock fundraisers are prohibited. This fundraising activity is reserved for the Office of Development and Alumni Relations to support student scholarships.