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Papers and Proceedings, 2013 - Present ▾
Xing, F., Stone, M., Goldsmith, T., Prince, JL., El Fakhri, G., Woo, J. (2019) Atlas-based tongue muscle correlation analysis from tagged and high-resolution MRI. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research, 62(7): 2258-2269.
Stone, M, Gomez, AD, Tchouaga, AL, Zhuo, J, Prince, JL. (2019) Quantifying tongue tip shape in apical and laminal /s/: contributions of palate shape. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research Accepted April 2019.
Wang, X, Stone, M, Prince, J, Gomez, AD. (2018) A novel filtering approach for 3D harmonic phase analysis of tagged MRI. Proc. SPIE 10574, Medical Imaging 2018: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Houston Tx
Woo, J, Prince, J, Stone, M, Xing, F, Green, J, Hartnick, C, Brady, T, Reese, T, Wedeen, V, El Fakhri, G. A Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization Framework for Identifying Functional Units of Tongue Behavior from MRI. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Accepted, 2018.
Tolpadi, AA, Stone, M, Carass, A, Prince, JL, Gomez, AD. (2018) Inverse Biomechanical Modeling of the tongue via machine learning and synthetic training data. Proc. SPIE 10576, Medical Imaging 2018: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Houston Tx
Woo, J, Xing, F, Lee, J, Stone, M, and Prince, JL (2018) A spatio-temporal atlas and statistical model of the tongue during speech from cine-MRI, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 6(5), 520-531, DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2016.1169220
Gomez, AD, Stone, M., Bayly, PB, Prince, JL. (2018) Quantifying Tensor Field Similarity with Global Distributions and Optimal Transport. MICCAI p. 428-436. 00934-2_48
Gomez, AD, Elsaid, N, Stone, M, Zhuo, j and Prince JL, (2018) Laplace-Based Modeling of Fiber Orientation in the Tongue. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 17(4) 1119-1130, PMID: 29675685
Xing, F., Prince, J.L., Stone, M., Reese, T.G., Atassi, N., Wedeen, V.J., El Fakhri, G. and Woo, J., (2018) Strain map of the tongue in normal and ALS speech patterns from tagged and diffusion MRI. In Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing (Vol. 10574, p. 1057411). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Grimm, D, Stone, M, Woo, J, Lee, j, Hwang, J-H, Bedrosian, GE and Prince, JL. (2017) The Effects of Palate Features and Glossectomy Surgery on /s/ Production. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research. vol 60, pp. 3417-3425. doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-S-16-0425
Xing, F, Woo, J., Gomez, AD, Pham, DL., Bayly, PV, Stone, M, and Prince, JL.. (2017) Phase Vector Incompressible Registration Algorithm (PVIRA) for Motion Estimation from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Images. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 36(10) 2116-2128, PMID: 28692967 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2723021
Xing, F, Prince, JL, Stone, M, Wedeen, VJ, ElFakhri, G, Woo, J. (2017) A four-dimensional motion field atlas of the tongue from tagged and cine magnetic resonance imaging. Proc. SPIE 10133, Medical Imaging 2017: Image Processing, v.101331H (February 24, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2254363
Harandi, N., Stavness, I, Woo, J. Stone, M., Abugharbieh, R., fels, S, (2017) Subject specific biomechanical modelling of the oropharynx: towards speech production. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 5(6), 416–426,
Harandi, N., Stavness, I, Woo, J. Stone, M., Abugharbieh, R., Fels, S, (2017) Variability in Muscle Activation of Simple Speech Motions: A Biomechanical Modeling Approach. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(4), pp.2579-2590. DOI: 10.1121/1.4978420
Woo, J., Xing, F., Stone, M., Green, J., Reese, TG, Brady, TJ, Wedeen, VJ, Prince, JL, ElFakhri, G (2017) Speech Map: A statistical multimodal atlas of 4D tongue motion during speech from tagged and cine MR images. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization,
Ha, J, Sung, IY, Son, JH, Stone, M., Ord, R, Cho, YC (2016) Analysis of speech and tongue motion in normal and post glossectomy speaker using cine MRI. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 24(5):472-80.
Stone, M., Woo, J., Lee, J, Poole, T., Seagraves, A., Chung, M., Kim, E., Murano, EZ, Prince, JL, Blemker, SS (2016) Structure and variability in human tongue muscle anatomy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2016.1162752
Stone, M, and Shadle, C (2016) A History of Speech Production Research. Acoustics Today, Winter issue, 12(4): 48-55.
Woo, J, Xing, F, Lee, J. Stone, M. and Prince JL(2016) A Spatio-Temporal Atlas and Statistical Model of the Tongue During Speech from Cine-MRI. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Xing, F., Woo, J., Lee, J., Murano, E. Z., Stone, M., & Prince, J. L. (2016). Analysis of 3-D Tongue Motion From Tagged and Cine Magnetic Resonance Images. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59(3), 468-479.
Xu, K., Yang, Y, Stone, M, Jaumard-Hakoun, A., Boulenger, C., Dreyfus, G., Roussel, P., Denby, B. (2016) "Robust contour tracking in ultrasound tongue image sequences" Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, DOI: 10.3109/02699206.2015.1110714
Crevier-Buchman, L., Amelot, A., Al Kork, SK., Adda-Decker, M., Audibert, N., Chawah, P., Denby, B., Fux, T., Jaumard-Hakoun, A., Roussel, P., Stone, M., Vaissiere, J., Xu, K., Pillot-Loiseau, C.(2015) Acoustic Data Analysis from Multi-Sensor Capture in Rare Singing: Cantu in Paghjella Case Study. International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era. 4(1), 120-132.
Harandi, NM, Stavness, I., Woo, J., Stone, M., Abugharbieh, R., and Fels, S. (2015) “Subject-specific biomechanical modelling of the oropharynx: toward speech production. Comp. Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization. 11 pages. DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2015.1033756.
Ibragimov, B., Prince, J. Murano, E. Woo, J. Stone, M. Likar, B., Pernuš, F., Vrtovec, T (2015) “Segmentation of Tongue Muscles from Super-Resolution MR Images", Medical Image Analysis, NIHMSID #647512. Publ. ID:MEDIMA947.
Woo, J, Stone, M, and Prince, JL. (2015) “Multimodal Registration via Mutual Information Incorporating Geometric and Spatial Context," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 24(2): 757-769.
Stone, M., Langguth, JM, Woo, J., Chen, H., Prince, JL. (2014) “Tongue Motion Patterns in Glossectomy and Normal Speakers: A Principal Components Analysis” J. Speech Language Hearing Research. 57(3), pp. 707-717.
Woo, J., Xing, F., Lee, J., Stone, M., and Prince, JL. (2014) Determining Functional Units of tongue motion from Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings of MICCAI, Boston, MA.
Stone, M., Woo, J., Zhuo, J., Chen, H, Prince, JL. (2014) Patterns of variance in /s/ during normal and glossectomy speech. Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Eng. 39 manuscript pages. NIHMSID #523095 Publ.ID: 837841.
Woo, J, Stone, M, Suo, Y, Murano, E, Prince, J. (2014) Tissue-Point Motion Tracking in the Tongue from Cine-MRI and Tagged-MRI. J. Speech Language Hearing Research. 57: S626–S636.
Woo , J., Lee, J., Murano, EZ, Xing, F, Al-Talib, M., Stone, M., Prince, JL (2014) A high-resolution atlas and statistical model of the vocal tract from structural MRI. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2014.933679.
Lee, J., Woo, J., Xing, F., Murano, EZ, Stone, M, Prince, JL. (2014) Semi-automatic segmentation for 3D motion analysis of the tongue with dynamic MRI. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.
Stone, M., Rizk, S., Woo, J, Murano, EZ., Chen, H., Prince, JL, (2012), Frequency of Apical and Laminal /s/ in Normal and Post-glossectomy Patients. Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology.20(4):106-111.
Zhou, X. Woo, J., Stone, M., Prince, J. L., Espy-Wilson, C. Y. --PDF (2013) “Improved vocal tract reconstruction and modeling using an image super-resolution volume reconstruction technique”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (EL). 133(6):EL439. PMCID: PMC3656922.
Zhou, X. Woo, J. Stone, M., Espy-Wilson, CY --PDF(2013) “A Cine MRI-based study of sibilant fricatives production in post-glossectomy speakers”, ICASSP, May, 2013.
Xing, F, Woo, J, Murano, EZ, Lee, J, Stone, M, Prince, JL, -PDF (2013) 3D Tongue Motion from Tagged and Cine MR Images. Proceedings of MICCAI, Sept, 2013, Japan. (Peer Reviewed).
Papers and Proceedings, 1976 - 2012 ▾
Zhou, X. Woo, J., Stone, M., Prince, J. L., Espy-Wilson, C. Y. (2013) “Improved vocal tract reconstruction and modeling using an image super-resolution volume reconstruction technique”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (EL). 133(6):EL439. PMCID: PMC3656922. |
Woo J., Murano E., Stone M., Prince, J. L., (2012) "Reconstruction of High Resolution Tongue Volumes from MRI", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. , vol.59, no.12, pp.3511-24, December 2012. PMID:23033324. (DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2012.2218246) |
Unay, D., Ozturk, C. & Stone, M. (2012 ifirst copy) Single syllable tongue motion analysis using tagged cine MRI, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, p. 1-12. DOI:10.1080/10255842.2012.723697 |
Stone, M., Rizk, S., Woo, J, Murano, EZ., Chen, H., Prince, JL, (2013), Frequency of Apical and Laminal /s/ in Normal and Post-glossectomy Patients. Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology.20(4):106-111. |
Zhou, X, Stone, M, Espy-Wilson, C.Y. (2011) “A comparative acoustic study on speech of glossectomy patients and normal subjects”, Proceedings of Interspeech 2011, August 28-31, Florence, Italy, pp. 517-520. |
Reichard, R, Stone, M, Woo, J, Romberg, E, Murano, EZ, Prince, JL (2012) Motion of apical and laminal /s/ in normal and post-glossectomy speakers. Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition, May 13-18, 2012, Hong Kong, China. |
Woo, J, Bai, Y, Roy, S, Murano EZ, Stone, M, Prince, JL (2012) Super-resolution Reconstruction for Tongue MR Images. Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging 2012 Conference, February, 2012, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. |
Woo, J., Stone, M., and Prince, J. L. (2011). Deformable Registration of High-resolution and Cine MR Tongue Images, 14th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Toronto, Canada, September. |
Murano, EZ, Shinagawa, H, Zhuo, J, Gullapalli, RP, Ord, RA, Prince, JL, Stone, M (2010) Application of diffusion tensor imaging after glossectomy. Otolaryng Head Neck 143: 304-306. |
Stone, M, Liu, X, Chen, H, Prince, JL (2010) A preliminary application of principal components and cluster analysis to internal tongue deformation patterns. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 13(4): 493 – 503. |
Shinagawa, H, Murano, EZ, Zhuo, J, Landman, B, Gullapalli, RP, Prince, JL, Stone, M. (2009) (2009) Effect of oral appliances on genioglossus muscle tonicity seen with diffusion tensor imaging: A pilot study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 107:e57-e63. |
Liu, X, Zhuo, J, Agarwal, H, Abd-Elmoniem, KZ, Murano, E, Stone, M, Gullapalli, R, Prince, JL (2009) Quantification of Three Dimensional Tongue Motion During Speech Using zHARP. Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging 2009 Conference, February 7-12, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. |
Stone, M, Liu, X, Zhuo, J, Gullapalli, R, Salama, A and Prince, JL (2009) Principal Component Analysis of Internal Tongue Motion in Normal and Glossectomy patients with primary Closure and Free Flap. Proceedings of the Fifth B-J-K International Symposium on Biomechanics Healthcare and Information Science, Feb. 20-22, 2009, Kanazawa, Japan. |
Shinagawa, H, Murano, EZ, Zhuo, J, Landman, B, Gullapalli, RP, Prince, JL, Stone, M (2008) Human tongue muscle fiber tracking during rest and tongue protrusion with oral appliance: A preliminary study with diffusion tensor imaging., Acoust. Sci & Tech 29(4), 291-294. |
Stone M, Liu X, Shinagawa, H, Murano EZ, Gullapalli R, Zhuo J, Prince J. (2008) Speech patterns in a muscular hydrostat: muscle movement in a glossectomy flap patient. Proceedings of the Fourth B-J-K Symposium on Biomechanics, Healthcare and Information Science, March 13-14, 2008, Kanazawa, Japan. |
Stone, M., Stock, G., Bunin, K., Kumar, K., Epstein, M., Parthasarathy,V., Prince, J, Li, M., Kambhamettu, C. (2007) Comparison of speech production in upright and supine position . J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 122(1), 532-541 |
Stone, M., and Murano, E.Z. (2007) Speech patterns in a muscular hydrostat: normal and glossectomy tongue movement. Proceedings of the Third B-J-K Symposium on Biomechanics, Healthcare and Information Science. p. 137-154 , March 16-17, 2007, Kanazawa, Japan. |
Li, M., Kambhamettu, C., and Stone, M. (2007) Nonrigid motion recovery for 3D surfaces. Image and Video Computing., 25, 250-261 |
Liu, X., Murano, E., Stone, M., and Prince, J.L., (2007), “HARP tracking refinement using seeded region growing,” Proc. Int’l Symp Biomed Imaging (ISBI). |
NessAiver, M., Stone, M., Parthasarathy, V., Kahana, Y., Kots, A. and Paritsky, A (2006) Recording High Quality Speech during tagged Cine MRI studies using a fiber optic microphone. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23, 92-97 |
Liu, X., Stone, M, and Prince, J. ( 2006) Tracking tongue motion in three dimensions using tagged MR images. Proceedings of the IEEE ISBI, pp 1372-1375. |
Levine, W.S., Torcaso, C.E., and Stone. M. (2005) Controlling the shape of a muscular hydrostat: A tongue or tentacle. New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Springer, p. 207-222 |
Li, M, Kambhamettu, C., and Stone, M. (2005) Automatic contour tracking in ultrasound images. Clin. Ling. and Phonetics 19 (6-7): 545-554 |
Li, M, Kambhamettu, C., and Stone, M. (2005) Tongue motion averaging from contour sequences. Clin. Ling. and Phonetics 19 (6-7): 515-528. |
Parthasarathy, V, Stone, M., and Prince. JL., (2005) Spatiotemporal visualization of the tongue surface using ultrasound and kriging (SURFACES). Clin. Linguistics and Phonetics 19 (6-7): 529-544 |
Stone, M., (2005) "A Guide to Analyzing Tongue Motion from Ultrasound Images."Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, Sept-Nov, 2005 Volume (19) 6-7 455-502 |
Epstein, M.A. and Stone, M. (2005) The tongue stops here: Ultrasound imaging of the palate. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118 (4), 2128-2131. |
Stone, M. and M.A. Epstein, C.Kambhamettu, M. Li, (2005) " Predicting 3D tongue shapes from midsagittal contours." In J.Harrington and M. Tabain (eds.), Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques, Psychology Press. Chapter 18, 315-330 |
Stone, M., Epstein, M., and Iskarous, K. (2004) Functional segments in tongue movement. International Journal of Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 18(16-18), 507-522 |
Li, Min, Kambhamettu, C, and Stone, M., EdgeTrak, a program for band-edge extraction and its applications Sixth IASTED International Conference o Computers, Graphics and Imaging. August 13-15, 2003, Honolulu, HI. (Peer reviewed) |
M. NessAiver and J. L. Prince, (2003) Magnitude Image CSPAMM Reconstruction (MICSR), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 331-342, August 2003. |
NessAiver, M., Parthasarathy, V., Stone, M., and Prince, J.L. (2003) Magnitude Image C SPAMM reconstruction(MICSR) and HARP analysis of Tongue motion. Proceedings of the ISMRM (International society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine) July, 2003. |
Davidson, L., and Stone, M. (2003) Epenthesis Versus Gestural Mistiming in Consonant Cluster Production: An Ultrasound Study Proceedings of the WCCFL 22 |
Slud, E., Smith, P., Stone, M., and Goldstein, M. (2002) Principal Components Representation of the Two-Dimensional Coronal Tongue Surface. Phonetica vol. 59, Nos. 2-3, pp. 108-133. |
Yang, CS., and Stone, M., (2002) Dynamic Programming Method For Temporal Registration Of Three-Dimensional Tongue Surface Motion From Multiple Utterances. Speech Communication. Vol. 38, Nos. 1-2, September 2002, pp. 199-207. |
Stone, M., Davis, E., Douglas, A., Ness Aiver, M., Gullapalli, R., Levine, W., and Lundberg, A. (2001) Modeling Tongue Surface Contours from Cine-MRI images. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44, 1026-1040. |
Stone, M., Davis, E., Douglas, A., Ness Aiver, M., Gullapalli, R., Levine, W., and Lundberg, A. (2001) Modeling the motion of the internal tongue from tagged cine-MRI images. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109(6), 2974-2982. |
Stone, M., Dick, D., Davis, E., Douglas, A., and Ozturk, C. (May, 2000) Modelling the Internal Tongue Using Principal Strains. Proceedings of the Fifth Speech Production Seminar, Kloster-Seeon, Germany. 133-136. |
Akgul, Y., Kambhamettu, C., and Stone, M. (1999) Automatic Extraction and Tracking of the tongue Contours. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 18, 1035-1045. |
Lundberg, A. and Stone, M. (1999) “Three-dimensional Tongue Surface Reconstruction: Practical Considerations for Ultrasound Data” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 106, 2858-2867. |
Lundberg, A. and Stone, M. (1998): “Three Dimensional Vocal Tract Shapes in [r] and [l]: A Study of MRI, Ultrasound, Electropalatography, and Acoustics,” Phonoscope, 1, 1-14. |
Chi-Fishman, G., Stone, M. and McCall, G. (1998) Lingual action in normal sequential swallowing. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. 41, 771-785. |
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Stone, M. and Davis, E. (1995): “A head and transducer support system for making ultrasound images of tongue/jaw movement,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,98, 3107-3112. |
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Parthasarathy, V. (2006): "Characterization of Harmonic phase MRI: Theory, Simulations and Applications," PhD Dissertation, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. -PDF |
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