Publications, Book Chapters, Posters, and Presentations

Publications (Journal articles & Book Chapters)


  1. Chavis, S and Caffrey, E. Overview of Infectious Diseases of Concern to Dental Practitioners: Other Viral Infections Airborne Pathogens.  In: Infection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-19. Ed. DePaola, L, Windsor, R, Ganesh, N. Springer Cham. 2024.pp55-82.
  2. Windsor, R,Caffrey, E and Ganesh, N. Aerosols in Dentistry. In: Infection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-19. Ed. DePaola, L, Windsor, R, Ganesh, N. Springer Cham. 2024 p97-108.  
  3. Caffrey E, Dhar V. Pediatric Dentistry Program Directors as stakeholders in the process of Board certification. J Dent Educ. 2024 Sep 29. doi: 10.1002/jdd.13727. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39344036.
  4. Tinanoff, N, Dhar, V, Caffrey, E. Community water fluoridation: Evidence of efficacy and Risks. J Ped Dent; 2024; 46(6): 370-1.
  5. Tinanoff, N, Dhar V. Adopting Dental Caries Preventive Procedures.  Guest Editorial, Pediatric Dent. 2024;46(1):7.
  6. Tinanoff, N. Caries Management Pathways for Children: IAPD Global Policy Statement. Letter to the Editor. Int J Paed Dent. 2024;34:199-201.
  7. Tinanoff N, Banerjee A, Buzalaf M, Dhar V, Chen JW, Ekstrand KR, Fontana M, Innes N, Koo H, Listl S, Lo E CM, Potgieter N, Schwendicke F, Sharkov N, Twetman S, Vargas K. Pathways for Caries Management in Children: Global Initiative. Int J Paed Dent. 2024,34:692-699.
  8. Jaafar A, Dhar V, Hsu K-L, Tinanoff N. Associations between risk factors, including approximal contact types and dental caries in children from low-income families. Pilot Study. J Clin Ped 2024;48(5):60-68).
  9. Muthu M.S., Dhar V., Nirmal L et al. Exploring child and family-level influences on oral hygiene practices (OHP) in children - A qualitative study from South India. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024 16(1): 2-12.
  10. Banerjee A, Buzalaf M, Dhar V, Chen JW, Ekstrand KR, Fontana M, Innes N, Koo H, Listl S, Lo E, Schwendicke F, Sharkov N, Tinanoff N, Twetman S, and Vargas K. Caries management pathways for children: IAPD Global Policy Statement. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2024; 34:199-201.
  11. Gupta K, Muthu M.S., Saikia A, Sriram S, Nirmal L, Wadgave U, Dhar V. Association of exposures to environmental chemicals estimated through primary teeth biomatrix and health outcomes in children and adolescents - A systematic review, Science of The Total Environment (2024),
  12. Coll JA, Dhar V, Chen CY et al. Guidelines on Use of Vital Pulp Therapies in Primary Teeth. Pediatr. Dent. 2024:46(1):13-26.
  13. Carrasco-Labra A, Polk DE, Urquhart O, Aghaloo T, Claytor W, Dhar V. et al. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the pharmacological management of acute dental pain in adolescents, adults, and older adults: A report from the American Dental Association. JADA 2024:155(2):102-117 (Cover Story)
  14. Dhar V. The Oral Cavity, III, Robert M. Kliegman, Joseph W. St. G. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume. Available from: Elsevier eBooks+, (22nd Edition). Elsevier - OHCE, 2024. Chapters: 353-363
    1. Dhar V. Development and Developmental Anomalies of the Teeth. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 353. Elsevier publications.
    2. Dhar V. Disorders of the Oral Cavity Associated with Other Conditions. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 354. Elsevier publications.
    3. Dhar V. Malocclusion. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 355. Elsevier publications.
    4. Dhar V. Cleft Lip and Palate. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 356. Elsevier publications.
    5. Dhar V. Syndromes with Oral Manifestations. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 357.Elsevier publications.
    6. Dhar V. Dental Caries. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 358. Elsevier publications.
    7. Dhar V. Periodontal Diseases. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 359. Elsevier publications.
    8. Dhar V. Dental Trauma. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 360. Elsevier publications.
    9. Dhar V. Common Lesions of the Oral Soft Tissues. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 361. Elsevier publications.
    10. Dhar V. Diseases of the Salivary Glands and Jaws. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 362. Elsevier publications.
    11. Dhar V. Diagnostic Radiology in Dental Assessment. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 22nd Chapter 363. Elsevier publications.
  15. Canares G. Patient late policies need a diversity, equity, and inclusion refresh. JADA 2024: 155 (3), 193-194
  16. McDaniel, J., & Canares, G. (2024). Maintenance and Sterilization of Dental Handpieces. In Infection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-19 (pp. 183-194). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  17. Leventer, M., & Canares, G. (2024). Infection Control When Administering N2O and IV Sedation: Including Disinfection of Anesthesia Devices and Use of IV Infusion Solutions and Medications. In Infection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-19 (pp. 217-225). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  18. Majstorovic, M., Canares, G. (2024). Overview of Infectious Diseases of Concern to Dental Practitioners: Airborne Pathogens. In: DePaola, L.G., Windsor, R., Ganesh, N. (eds) Infection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-19. Springer, Cham.
  19. Majstorovic, M., Weatherspoon, D. (2024). Vaccines, Vaccinations, and the Re-emergence of and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. In: DePaola, L.G., Windsor, R., Ganesh, N. (eds) Infection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-19. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tinanoff, N, Dhar V. Adopting Dental Caries Preventive Procedures. Editorial, Pediatric Dent. 46 (1) 7.
  2. Banerjee A, Buzalaf M, Dhar V, Chen JW, Ekstrand KR, Fontana M, Innes N, Khoo H, Listl S, Lo E, Schwendicke F, Sharkov N, Tinanoff N, Twetman S, Vargas K. Caries Management Pathways for Children: IAPD Global Policy Statement. Letter to the Int J Paed Dent. 2023; 1-3.
  3. Dhar V, Pilcher L, Fontana M, González-Cabezas C, Keels MA, Mascarenhas AK, Nascimento M, Platt JA, Sabino GJ, Slayton R, Tinanoff N, Young DA, Zero DT, Pahlke S, Urquhart, O’Brien KK, Alonso Carrasco-Labra A. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline on restorative treatments for caries lesions. JADA 2023;154:551-566.
  4. Tinanoff, N. Making Pediatric Dentistry Part of General Practice 7th Edition. MetLife Quality Resource Guide, Dec. 2023. pp, 1-8.
  5. Coll JA, Dhar V, Chen CY. Pulp therapy for vital primary teeth: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Pediatr. Dent.2023; 45(6):474-96.E51-E100
  6. Dhar V, Gosnell E, Jayaraman J et al. Nonpharmacological Behavior Guidance of the Pediatric Dental Patient: Clinical Practice Guidelines. Pediatr. Dent. 2023; 45(5):385-410.
  7. Randall C, Dhar V. Pediatric Dentists’ Use of Nonpharmacological Behavior Guidance Techniques and Experiences with Caregiver Acceptance: A National Survey. Pediatr. Dent. 2023; 45(5):418-24.
  8. Banerjee A, Buzalaf M, Dhar V, et al. Caries management pathways for children: IAPD Global Policy Statement. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2023; 00: 1–3.
  9. Carrasco-Labra A, Polk DE, Urquhart O, Aghaloo T, Claytor JW Jr, Dhar V, et al. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the pharmacologic management of acute dental pain in children: A report from the American Dental Association Science and Research Institute, the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, and the Center for Integrative Global Oral Health at the University of Pennsylvania. J Am Dent Assoc. 2023 Sep;154(9):814-825.e2.
  10. Dhar V, Randall C, Marghalani A et al. Nonpharmacological behavior guidance for children during preventive dental visits: A systematic review– Part 1. Pediatr. Dent. 2023, 45(3): 181-196.
  11. Dhar V, Jayaraman J, Marghalani A, et al. Nonpharmacological behavior guidance for children during dental treatment visits: A systematic review and meta-analysis – Part 2. Pediatr. Dent. 2023, 45(3): 197-220.
  12. Dhar V, Marghalani A, Jayaraman J et al. Nonpharmacological behavior guidance for children with special health care needs during preventive and treatment dental visits: A systematic review – Part 3. Pediatr. Dent.2023, 45(3): 221-230.
  13. Pilcher L, Urquhart O, O'Brien KK, Dhar V et al. Direct materials for restoring caries lesions: systematic review and meta-analysis A report of the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs. JADA January 2023.
  14. Carrasco-Labra A, Polk DE, Urquhart O, Aghaloo T, Claytor W, Dhar V. et al. Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the pharmacological management of acute dental pain in adolescents, adults, and older adults: A report from the American Dental Association. (Accepted).
  15. Druzijanic A, Kovic M, Roguljic M, Cigic L, Majstorovic M, Vucenic I: Application of Inositol Hexaphosphate and Inositol in Dental Medicine: An Overview. Biomolecules 2023, 13(6), 913;
  16. Majstorovic M, Nandi SS, Canares G, Chinn C, Szirovicza L, Best E, Moursi AM. Oral Health in the Down Syndrome Population: Parental Perceptions on Dental Care in the United States. Pediatr Dent. 2023 Jul 15;45(4):316-319. PMID: 37605349.
  17. Canares G, Rashed H, El-Sayed O. Perceptions on pregnancy and parenthood among program directors in pediatric dentistry. J Dent Educ. 2023;87(5):606-613.
  18. Canares G, Hsu KL, Majstorovic M, Noonan K. Lecture-based learning modification to prepare for INDBE. J Dent Educ. 2023;1-2. doi:10.1002/jdd.13249


  1. Canares G. Oral health care for the adolescent patient. MetLife Dental Quality Resource Guide Library. Published February 8, 2022.
  2. Tinanoff N, Goodman H, Klein. The Legacy of Deamonte Driver. Mdental (in press).

  3. Tinanoff N, Goodman H, Klein. The Legacy of Deamonte Driver. J Pub Hlth Dent. 2022: 1-2  doi:10.1111/jphd.12535.

  4. Tinanoff N. A commentary on: Impact of Fluoride on Associations between Free Sugars Intake and Dental Caries in US Children. PracticeUpdate. Available at: Accessed May 24, 2022.

  5. Tinanoff, N. Clinical Decision Making for Caries Management in Children. 7th Edition MetLife Quality Resource Guide, June, 2022, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. (in press).

  6. Tinanoff, N, Johnsen, DA, From Baby Bottle Tooth Decay to Early Childhood Caries: Need More Fundamental Changes to Reduce Prevalence.  Pediatric Dent. 2022;44:254-255.

  7. Fellows JL, Atchison KA, Chaffin J, Chavez E, Tinanoff N. Oral Health in America: Implications for Dental Practice.  JADA 2022;153(7):601-609.

  8. Groisman, S, Bedi R, Bridge, Gemma, Gao SS, Jawdekar A, Muasya M, Kemoli AM, Mani SA, Tinanoff, N, Elfrink M, Jkpong M, Qurehi A, Monteiro J, Lim D, Potgieter N, Masumo R, Ly P, Potgieter N. World-wide View on Consent in Paediatric Dentistry. Frontiers in Oral Health (in press).

  9. Pilcher L, Pahlke S, Urquhart O, O’Brien KK, Dhar V, Fontana M,González-Cabezas C, Keels MA, Mascarenhas AK, Nascimento MD, Platt JA, Sabino, GJ, Slayton R, Tinanoff N, Young DA, Zero D, Tampi MP, Purnell D, Salazar J, Megremis, Biene D, Carrasco-Labra A. Direct material for restoring caries lesions: Systematic review and meta-analysis. JADA (in press).

  10. Coll JA, Dhar V, Vargas K. Lineamientos para el uso de terapias pulpares en dientes primarios con pulpas no-vitales. Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana. 2022;12(1).
  11. Dhar V. A commentary on: A 12-Month Randomized Clinical Trial of 38% SDF vs. Restorative Treatment. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: Accessed March 16, 2022
  12. Hammersmith K, Avenetti D, Dhar V et al. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Applicants to Advanced Education in Pediatric Dentistry Programs and Recommendations for Virtual Interviews. Journal of Dentistry for Children (in-presss)


  1. Gorseta K, Skrinjaric T, Majstorovic M, Glavina D: Erosive effect of different beverages on composite materials, in ORCA Congress Abstract Book of the 68 ORCA Congress. Caries Res 2021;55:341-473.
  2. Klaric I, Majstorovic M, Gorseta K, Juric H, Glavina D, Moursi AM:  Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Versus Socio-Economic and Gender Differences in the Croatian Sample , in ORCA Congress Abstract Book of the 68 ORCA Congress. Caries Res 2021;55:341-473
  3. Lee K-T, Guo Z-L, Teng N-C, Hsu K-LC, Chen I-H, Lee C-Y, Chang H-M, Huang Y-K. Salivary Pro-Inflammatory Markers and Smoking Status Influences the Treatment Effectiveness of Periodontal Disease Patients with Hypertension. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(14):7364.
  4. Brao K, Greenwell P, Hsu KL, Marinos D, Stains JP, Hovis JP, Joshi M, Shirtliff ME, O’Toole RV, Harro JM. Intraoperative Tobramycin Powder Prevents Enterobacter cloacae Surgical Site Infections in a Rabbit Model of Internal Fixation. Orthop Trauma. 2021 Jan 1;35(1):35-40. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001859. PMID: 32516196.    
  5. Dhar V A commentary on: Protective Stabilization in Pediatric Dentistry: A Qualitative Study on the Perceptions of Mothers, Psychologists, and Pediatric Dentists. PracticeUpdate website. Available at:                                                                 Accessed October 13, 2021 
  6. Hsu K, Dhar V, Tinanoff N. Early childhood caries: World-wide variations in methodology and reporting – A scoping review. Pediatric Dentistry 43(5), 3-22, 2021.
  7. Tinanoff N. (as lead author) Best Practices, Perinatal and Infant oral Health Care.  Council on Clinical Affairs, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2021 (in progress).
  8. Jayaraman J, Dhar V, Donly KJ, Priya E, Innes NP, Clarkson J, Raggio DP, Childers N, Wright T, King N, Nagendrababu V, Clarke M. Reporting stAndards for research in Pediatric Dentistry (RAPID): An Expert Consensus-Based Statement. BMC Oral Health BMC Oral Health 21, 369 (2021).
  9. Abdelrahman M, Hsu K, Melo Mary Anne, Dhar V, Tinanoff N. Mapping Evidence on Early Childhood Caries Prevalence: Complexity of World-Wide Data Reporting. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 14(1), 1-7, 2021.
  10. Dhar V Caries Experience Among Children Born After a Complicated Pregnancy. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: Accessed May 28, 2021
  11. Tinanoff, N. Making Pediatric Dentistry Part of General Practice. 6th Edition.  MetLife Quality Resource Guide, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 2021.
  12. Tinanoff, N, Johnsen, DA, From Baby Bottle Tooth Decay to Early Childhood Caries: Need More Fundamental Changes to Reduce Prevalence.  Pediatric Dentistry (in press).
  13. Jefferies SR, Tinanoff N, Croll TP. What Should You Consider When Writing for a Dental Publication? Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2021;42:418-419.


  1. Hsu KL, Balhaddad AA, Garcia IM, Collares FM, Dhar V, Depaola L, Melo MA. 3D cone-beam C.T. imaging used to determine the effect of disinfection protocols on the dimensional stability of full arch impressions. Saudi Dental Journal 2020.
  2. Dhar V., & Hsu, KL. Review 1: “Efficacy of commercial mouth-rinses on SARS-CoV-2 viral load in saliva: Randomized Control Trial in Singapore.” Rapid Reviews COVID-19. 2020. 
  3. Brao K, Greenwell P, Hsu KL, Marinos D, Stains JP, Hovis JP, Joshi M, Shirtliff ME, O’Toole RV, Harro JM. Intraoperative Tobramycin Powder Prevents Enterobacter cloacae Surgical Site Infections in a Rabbit Model of Internal Fixation. J Orthop Trauma. 2020 Jun 3.
  4.  Hsu KL, Balhaddad AA, Garcia IM, Collares FM, DePaola L, Melo MA. Assessment of surface roughness changes on orthodontic acrylic resin by all-in-one spray disinfectant solutions. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2020;14(2): 77-82.
  5. Dhar V, Tinanoff N. Integrated care pathways for controlling early childhood caries. Pediatric Dent 2020,42: 10-11.

  6. Coll JA, Dhar V, Vargas K, Chen CY, Crystal Y, Alshamali S, Marghalani A. Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines on use of non-vital pulp therapies for primary teeth. Pediatric Dent. 2020; 42(5): 337-349.
  7. Coll JA, Vargas K, Marghalani A, Chen CY, Alshamali S, Dhar V, Crystal Y. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Non-vital Pulp Therapy for Primary Teeth. Pediatr Dent 2020;42(4):3-19
  8. Jayaraman J, Dhar V, Donly KJ, Priya E, Innes NP, Clarkson J, Raggio DP, Childers N, Wright T, King N, Nagendrababu V, Clarke M. Reporting stAndards for research in PedIatric Dentistry (RAPID): a development protocol. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2020: 30: 96-103. PubMed PMID: 31411790.
  9. Tinanoff, N. Clinical Decision Making for Caries Management in Children. 6th Edition MetLife Quality Resource Guide, Dec. 2019, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. pp, 2019

  10. Tinanoff, N. In Memoriam – Dr. Stephen H.Y. Wei. Pediatric Dent 2020;42:175.

  11. Jayaraman J, Dhar V, Moorani  Z, Donly K, Tinanoff N, Mitchell S, Wright T. Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Dentistry in the United States. Pediatric Dent 2020;42:180-183.

  12. Tinanoff, N. Letter to the Editor. Need for Radiographic Caries Diagnosis? Appreciating the Study Details.  Pediatric Dent2002; 42(5):180.

  13. Canares G, Dhar V. Pediatric dental residency program directors’ use of social media for resident selection, education, and participation. J Dent Educ. 2020;84(1):51-56.

  14. Chavis, S, Canares G. The transition of patients with special healthcare needs from pediatric to adult-based dental care: A scoping review. Pediatr Dent. 2020;42(2):101-9.


  1. Canares, G. DePaola LG, Grant LE. Infection Control in the Dental Office: A Global Perspective. 1st ed. Springer Nature. Chapter VIII: Dental unit waterlines.November 2019
  2. Canares, G. DePaola LG, Grant LE. Infection Control in the Dental Office: A Global Perspective. 1st ed. Springer Nature. Chapter VIII: Chapter XI: Dental care during catastrophic events. November 2019
  3. Canares, G. Acceptance of preventive dental services for children at a retail-based clinic: A pilot study. J Dent Child.January 2019
  4. Coll, JA. Identifying Public Policy and Advocacy Practices Among Millennial Pediatric Dental Residents. Pediatr Dent March 2019
  5. Chen CY, Marghalani A, Hsu KL, Dhar V, Coll JA. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Passive Lower Lingual Arch for Resolving Mandibular Incisor Crowding and Effects on Arch Dimension Pediatr Dent January 2019.
  6. Almarwan M, Dhar, V. Parental perception toward dental sedation in pediatric patients. International Journal of Science and Research 2019
  7. Jayaraman J, Nagendrababu V, Pulikkotil SJ, Veettil SK, Dhar, V. Efficacy of formocresol and ferric sulphate as pulpotomy material in primary molars: a systematic review and meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis of randomized clinical trials. Quintessence International 2019
  8. Dhar, V. Will Silver Diamine Fluoride Significantly Impact the Standard of Care for Caries Prevention/Treatment in the United States. Compendium 2019
  9. Dhar, V. Development and Developmental Anomalies of the Teeth. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  10. Dhar, V. Disorders of the Oral Cavity Associated with Other Conditions. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  11. Dhar V. Malocclusion. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  12. Dhar, V. Cleft Lip and Palate. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  13. Dhar, V. Syndromes with Oral Manifestations. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  14. Dhar, V. Dental Caries. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  15. Dhar, V. Periodontal Diseases. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  16. Dhar, V. Dental Trauma. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  17. Dhar, V. Common Lesions of the Oral Soft Tissues.Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  18. Dhar, V. Diseases of the Salivary Glands and Jaws. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  19. Dhar, V. Diagnostic Radiology in Dental Assessment. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 21st edition. Elsevier publications. June 2019
  20. Tinanoff, N. Early childhood caries epidemiology, aetiology, risk assessment, societal burden, management, education, and policy: Global perspective. Int J Paediatr Dent.May 2019
  21. Tinanoff, N. Early Childhood Caries: IAPD Bangkok Declaration.. Int J Paediatr Dent. May 2019
  22. Tinanoff N Nonrestorative treatment for caries: Review and network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019
  23. Tinanoff, N. Clinical decision making for caries management in children. MetLife Quality Resource Guide 2019


  1. Dhar V, Mon S, Macek Mark D. Evaluation of non-proximal caries as predictor of proximal caries in primary molars. J. of Clin. Ped. Dent. 2018.
  2. Dhar V, Yu, Lilia YC,Seale NS.Appraisal of Pediatric Dental Resident Research Presented at the Annual Meeting. Pediatr Dent2018;40(6):217-219.
  3. Canares G, Hsu KL, Dhar V, Katechia B. Evidence-Based Care Pathways for Management of Early Childhood Caries. General Dentistry: 24-28; Nov/Dec2018.
  4. Canares G. Clinical Assessment of Nonnutritive Sucking. Decisions in Dentistry. 2018;4(4):18, 21-22.
  5. Tinanoff, N. Chapter 12. Dental Caries in Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence, editor Nowak,  Elsevier, 2018.
  6. Dawson DV, Blanchette DR, Douglass JM, Tinanoff N, Kramer KWO, Warren JJ, Phipps KR, Starr DE, Marshall TA, Mabry TR, Pagan-Rivera K, Banan JA, Drake DR. Evidence of Early Emergence of Primary Dentition in a Northern Planes American Indian Population. JDR Clinical and Translational Research 3: 161-169, 2018.
  7. Tinanoff, N. Seale NS. Editorial: Pediatric Dentistry’s Impact Factor and Article Citations. Pediatric Dentistry 40:8-9, 2018.
  8. Tinanoff N. (as lead author) Guidelines on Fluoride Therapy.  Council on Clinical Affairs, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentistry (in preparation, 2018)
  9. Dhar V. Social Media and its implications in pediatric dentistry. Pediatric Dentistry 2018; 40 (3):174-176.
  10. Dhar V, Ngo H, Tandon S. Pit and Fissure Sealants. Textbook of Pedodontics- Shobha Tandon, 3rd Edition. Paras Medical Publisher, Hyderabad.
  11. Tandon S, Dhar V. Introduction to Pediatric Restorative Dentistry. Textbook of Pedodontics- Shobha Tandon, 3rd Edition. Paras Medical Publisher, Hyderabad.
  12. Dhar V. A P.A.T. to Boost Effective Learning and Assessment. Presented at AAPD Annual Session, Hawaii


  1. Tinanoff N. (as lead author) Policy on Dietary Recommendations for Infants, Children, and Adolescents.  American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentistry (In press).
  2. Dhar V, Marghalani A, Crystal Y, Kumar A, Ritwik P, Tulunoglu O, Graham L. Clinical practice guidelines for use of vital pulp therapies in primary teeth with deep caries. Pediatric Dentistry. (In press).
  3. Crystal Y, Marghalani A, Ureles SD, Wright JT, Sulyanto R, Dicvaris K, Fontana M, Graham L.Silver Diamine Fluoride Guideline.  Pediatric Dentistry. (In press).
  4. Dhar V,Yu YC. Can resident research provide us the evidence we are looking for? Guest Editorial Pediatric Dentistry (in press).
  5. Dye BA, Mitnik GL, Iafolla TJ, Vargas CM. Trends in dental caries in children and adolescents according to poverty status in the United States from 1999 through 2004 and from 2011 through 2014. J Am Dent Assoc. 2017 Aug;148(8):550-565.
  6. Tinanoff, N. Individuals who State that they Brush their Teeth Infrequently may be at Greater Risk for New Carious Lesions. J Evid Based Dental Practice 17(1):51-52, 2017.
  7. Tinanoff N, Holt K. Introduction to the Proceedings of Healthy Futures: Engaging the Oral Health Community in Childhood Obesity Prevention National Conference. J Pub Health Dent 77(Suppl.):S5-S7, 2017).
  8. Garcia RI, Kleinman D, Holt K, Battrell A, Casamassimo P, Grover J, Tinanoff, N.  Healthy Futures: Engaging the Oral Health Community in Childhood Obesity Prevention—Conference Summary and Recommendations.  J Pub Health Dent 77(Suppl.):S136-S140, 2017.
  9. Dye BA, Mitnik GL, Iafolla TJ, Vargas CM. Trends in dental caries in children and adolescents according to poverty status in the United States from 1999 through 2004 and from 2011 through 2014. J Am Dent Assoc. 2017 Aug;148(8):550-565.
  10. Tinanoff N, Holt K. Sugar Consumption in Children:  Obesity and Dental Caries.  Editorial Pediatric Dentistry 39(1):10-11, 2017.
  11. Bernstein J, Gebel C, Vargas C, Geltman P, Walter A, Garcia R, Tinanoff, N.  Listening to pediatric primary care nurses: A qualitative study of the potential for interprofessional oral health practice in Federally Qualified Health Centers. BMJ Open;7:e014124. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014124,2017.
  12. Bernstein J, Gebel C, Vargas C, Geltman P, Walter A, Garcia RI, et al. Integration of Oral Health Into the Well-Child Visit at Federally Qualified Health Centers: Study of 6 Clinics, August 2014–March 2015. Prev Chronic Dis 2016;13:160066. DOI:
  13. Dye BA, Vargas CM, Fryar CD, Ramos-Gomez F, Isman R.   Oral Health Status of Children in Los Angeles County and in the United States, 1999.
  14. Tinanoff, N. Individuals who State that they Brush their Teeth Infrequently may be at Greater Risk for New Carious Lesions. J Evid Based Dental Practice 17(1):51-52, 2017.
  15. Khan SY, Holt K, Tinanoff, N. Nutrition Education: A Must, yet Still Neglected.  J. Dent Ed 81(1): 3-4, 2017.
  16. Marghalani AA  ,Guinto E, Phan M, Dhar V, Tinanoff N. Effectiveness of Xylitol in Reducing Dental Caries in Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatric Dentistry 2017; 39(2): 103-110.
  17. Vargas CM, Stines EM, Granado HS. Health-Equity Issues Related to Childhood Obesity: A Scoping Review. J Public Health Dent 2017;77 Suppl 1:S32-S42.
  18. Susarla HK, Dhar V, Karimbux NY, Tinanoff N. Does the h-index correlate with academic rank among full-time academic pediatric dentists? Journal of Dental Education 2017; 81(4): 427-432.
  19. Coll JA, Seale NS, Vargas K, Marghalani AA, Shahad AS, Graham L. Primary Tooth Vital Pulp Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pediatric Dentistry 2017; 39 (1): 16-123. 


  1. Dhar V, Glascoe A, EsfandiariS, Williams KB, McQuistan MR, Stevens MR.Should PGY1 be mandatory in dental education? Two viewpoints. J. Dent Educ 2016; 80(11):1273-81.

  2. Bernstein J, Gebel C, Vargas C, Geltman P, Walter A, Garcia RI, Tinanoff N. Integration of Oral Health Into the Well-Child Visit at Federally Qualified Health Centers: Study of 6 Clinics, August 2014–March 2015. Prev Chronic Dis 2016;13:160066. DOI:

  3. Tinanoff N. Clinical Decision-Making for Caries Management in Children 5th Edition.  MetLife Quality Resource Guide, April 1, 2016, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.

  4. Dhar V. Evidence based dentistry-an overview (Guest Editorial). Journal of Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 2016; 7(3): 293-4.

  5. Wright JT, Crall JJ, Fontana M, E. Jane Gillette; Brian B. Nový; Dhar V; Donly K; Hewlett ER; Quinonez RB; Chaffin J; Crespin M; Iafolla T; Siegal M ; Tampi MP; Graham L; Estrich C; Carrasco-Labra A.  Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the use of pit-and-fissure sealants: A Report of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Journal of American Dental Association 2016:147(8):672-682

  6. Wright JT; Tampi MP; Graham L; Estrich C; Crall JJ; Fontana M; E. Gillette JE; Nový BB; Dhar V; Donly K; Hewlett ER; Quinonez RB; Chaffin J; Crespin M; Iafolla T; Siegal M; Carrasco-Labra A. Sealants for preventing and arresting pit-and-fissure occlusal caries in primary and permanent molars: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials - A report of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Journal of American Dental Association 2016; 147(8):631-645

  7. Wright JT, Crall JJ, Fontana M, E. Jane Gillette; Brian B. Nový; Dhar V; Donly K; Hewlett ER; Quinonez RB; Chaffin J; Crespin M; Iafolla T; Siegal M ; Tampi MP; Graham L; Estrich C; Carrasco-Labra A.  Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Pit-and-Fissure Sealants. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Dental Association. Pediatric Dentistry 2016; 38(5):E120-E36.

  8. Wright JT; Tampi MP; Graham L; Estrich C; Crall JJ; Fontana M; E. Gillette JE; Nový BB; Dhar V; Donly K; Hewlett ER; Quinonez RB; Chaffin J; Crespin M; Iafolla T; Siegal M; Carrasco-Labra A. Sealants for preventing and arresting pit-and-fissure occlusal caries in primary and permanent molars: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials - A report of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric Dentistry 2016; 38(4): 289-294.

  9. Dhar V, Tinanoff N. An evidence-based update on commonly used sugar alcohols, and their role in caries prevention.Decisions in Dentistry 2016; 1(09):44–47 (Invited CE paper).

  10. Dhar V, Tinanoff N. The role of sugar alcohols in caries prevention.Journal Dimensions of Dental Hygiene 2016;14(5): 58-61. (Invited paper: Worth 2 CE Units)


  1. Manski RJ, Vargas CM, Brown E, Carper KV, Macek MD, Cohen LA. Dental Procedures among Children Age Birth to 20, United States, 1999 and 2009. J Public Health Dent. 2015;75(1):10-16      doi: 10.1111/jphd.12065  [Epub ahead of print]

  2. Coll J, Seale NS, Vargas K, Chi DL, Marghalani AA, Graham L. Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of vital pulp therapy for children with deep caries in the primary dentition. Pediatr Dent. 37(5):418-21.2015

  3. Warren JJ, Weber-Gasparoni K; Tinanoff N, Batliner T, Jue B, Santo W, Garcia RI. Examination Criteria and Calibration Procedures for Prevention Trials of the Early Childhood Caries Collaborating Centers. J.Pub Hlth Dent 2015;75(4):317-326.

  4. Tinanoff N.  Introduction to the Conference: Innovations in the Prevention and Management of Early Childhood Caries.  Pediatric Dentistry 37:198-199, 2015.

  5. Garcia R, Borrelli B, Dhar V, Douglass J, Ramos Gomez F, Hieftje K, Horowitz A, Li Y, Ng MW, Twetman S, Tinanoff N. Progress in Early Childhood Caries and Opportunities in Research, Policy and Clinical Management. Pediatric Dentistry 37:294-299. 2015.

  6. Dhar V, Hsu KL, Coll J, Ginsberg E, Tinanoff N, Ball B, Chhibber S, Johnson M, Kim M, Modaresi N. Evidence-based  update of Pediatric Dental Restorative Procedures:  Dental Materials. J Clin. Pediatr. Dent 2015 39(4): 303-310.

  7. Tinanoff, T; Coll, J, Dhar, V, Maas, W; Chhibber, S; Zokaei, L. Evidence-based update of Pediatric Dental Restorative Procedures: Part I, Preventive Procedures. J Clin. Pediatr. Dent 2015; 39(3): 193-197.

  8. Twetman S, Dhar V. Evidence of Effectiveness of Current Therapies to Treat ECC. Pediatric Dentistry 2015; 37 (3): 246-253.

  9. Tinanoff, N. Making Pediatric Dentistry Part of General Practice . 4th Edition.  MetLife Quality Resource Guide, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., pp 1-7, 2015.

  10. Slayton RL, Fontana M, Young D, Tinanoff, N, Nový B, Robinson L.  Dental Caries Management in Children and Adults.  Institute of Medicine.

Book Chapters/Web Sites

  1. Tinanoff N. The Oral Cavity. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St Geme JW, Schor N, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 20th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Chapters 307-317, pages 1768-1781, Elsevier 2015.

  2. Tinanoff N.  Proceedings of the Conference:  Innovations in the Prevention and Management of Early Childhood Caries.  Pediatric Dentistry.  Volume 37, 2015

  3. Tinanoff N and Tillis T.  Early Childhood Caries Resource Center, Elsevier Publishing.

  4. Tinanoff N.  Use of Fluorides, in Early Childhood Oral Health, eds, Berg J and Slayton RA,  Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 104-119, 2015.

  5. Dhar Vineet. Pit and Fissure Sealants. Texbook of Pedodontics- Shobha Tandon, 3rd Edition. Paras Medical Publisher, New Delhi (In-press)

Posters (2015- 2017):

  1. Hammer Chrissy, Tinanoff N. Age-Based Interventions for Decreasing the Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: A Systematic Review, 2017
  2. Simhi C, Tinanoff N. The Relationship Between BMI, Sugar Containing Beverage (SCB) Intake And Dental Caries Experience In Children, Pilot Study 2017
  3. Emamian M, Dhar V, Philips R, Tinanoff N. US-Based Marketing Efforts to Positively Change Diet 2017
  4. Chen CY, Marghalani A, Coll J. The Effectiveness of Passive Lingual Holding Arch for Mandibular Anterior Crowding: Meta-Analysis 2017
  5. Bhadila G, Tinanoff N. An association with Sugar-Sweetened Beverage intake, Body Mass Index and Caries Prevalence in children 6-9 years old.
  6. Marghalani AA, Dehom S, Vargas CM. Pediatric dental pain in the US. National Health Interview Survey 2012. Presented at AAPD 2016.
  7. Pfeuffer D, Chen Chia-Yu, Marghalani AA, Cohan B, Hsu Christine. Medical Professionals’ Interpretation of Recommended Fluoridated Toothpaste Dosage for Children. Presented as a poster presentation at AAPD Annual session, 2016.

  8. Haifa AlAmro, Glenn Minah. Oral malodor in young children. Annual session, 2016.

  9. Harlyn Susarla, Huda Alkuhl, Vineet Dhar, Norman Tinanoff. National Dietary Recommendations for Children: Do National Healthcare Organizations Agree? Annual session, 2016

  10. Karim Elrafei, Vineet Dhar, Norman Tinanoff. A Systematic Review of the Association Between Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages and Childhood Obesity: An Evidence-Based Update. University of Maryland, 2016

  11. Soe Mon, Macek MD, Dhar V. A relation between Non-proximal Caries and Proximal Caries in Primary Dentition. DC Chapter, AAPD Meeting 2016 and University of Maryland, 2016.

  12. Carolyn Chang, E Baker, TY Huang, G Minah, KL Hsu. Caries-risk Assessment of Young Children Centered on Microbial Indicator

  13. Wu Y, David Woods et al. Whole Brain BOLD Functional MRI in Subjects Wearing Metallic Orthodontic Appliances

  14. Minhthu Phan. Dental Professionals' Interpretation of Recommended Fluoridated Toothpaste Dosage for Children

  15. Emilie Guinto, M Phan, AA Marghalani, V Dhar, N Tinanoff. Effectiveness of Xylitol in Reducing Caries in Children: Systematic Review

  16. Harlyn Susarla. Vineet Dhar, Norman Tinanoff. Does Research Productivity Correlate With Academic Rank in Pediatric Dentistry?

  17. Aline Dufresne, TS McNeel, CM Vargas. Disparities in ECC and Severe Caries. United States, 2011-2012.



  1. Vineet Dhar. Featured speaker: Management of ECC and SDF. Navy Orthodontics and Pediatric Workshop, Bethesda, Feb. 14th, 2017.


  1. Norman Tinanoff. Connecticut Oral Health Initiative.  Pediatric Dentistry for the General Practitioners, Rocky Hill, Connecticut, Oct. 2, 2016

  2. Norman Tinanoff. University of Florida, Distinguished Scientist Speaker, The Evidenced Base for Preventing Early Childhood Caries:  Implications for Children and Adults, January, 21, 2016.

  3. Norman Tinanoff. Naval Postgraduate Dental School, Evidence for Preventing Early Childhood Caries, Bethesda, MD, Feb. 22, 2016.

  4. Norman Tinanoff. Connecticut Society of Pediatric Dentistry.  The Evidence Base for Preventing Early Childhood Caries, Hartford CT, May 4, 2016

  5. Norman Tinanoff. Joint Base Andrews/Bolling.  Pediatric Dentistry.  Andrews Air Force Base, June 7, 2016.

  6. Norman Tinanoff. Seventh Annual Ava Roberts Advanced Pediatric Dentistry, Lectures on Finer Points of Intracoronal Restorations, Fluoride, and Oral Care During Pregnancy ,  Clarksville, MD, August 19, 2016.

  7. Vineet Dhar. Guest Speaker- Changing Concepts in Management of Early Childhood Caries. CDE on Early Childhood Caries and Pediatric Pharmacology: Revisited. Seminar Council, MS Ramiah Medical College, Bangalore, India. July 25th, 2016-

  8. Vineet Dhar. CE webinars for general dentists under OH-READY Program on ECC, Deep caries and Pulpectomy. Dhar V. May 9, 2016   

  9. Vineet Dhar.. Isolation techniques-Key Concepts in Pediatric Dentistry, Baltimore. April 9, 2016          

  10. Vineet Dhar. CE presentation on Management of Deep caries in primary and young permanent teeth, New Orleans, USA. March 5, 2016

  11. Coll J, Marghalani A. Juicy News About Pulp Therapy. AAPD annual session 2016.

  12. Glenn Canares: "Dental Urgencies and Emergencies", Society of Pediatric Urgent Care 2nd Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (9/22/2016).


  1. Norman Tinanoff, Manwai NG Breakthrough Strategies for Preventing Early Childhood Caries.  Bill Maas, Jane Koppelman, 2015 National Oral Health Conference, Kansas City, April 29, 2015.

    Oral Health and Dental Emergencies.  Maryland Assembly on School-Based Health Care Annual Conference.  Clarksville, MD, May 19, 2015

  2. Norman Tinanoff. Sixth Annual Ava Roberts Advanced Pediatric Dentistry, Lectures on Latest Information on Managing ECC, and Treating the Emergency Dental Patient,  Clarksville, MD, July 24, 2015.

  3. Norman Tinanoff. 4th Annual Mink Legacy Conference, Lectures on Early Childhood Caries, Caries Risk Assessment, Controversies Regarding Systemic and Topical Fluoride, Advances in Intercoronal Restorations, and Pulp Therapy in Primary Teeth.  Lexington KY, Aug. 29, 2015.

  4. Vineet Dhar. Updated on pediatric dental health. Maryland Chapter, American Academy of Pediatric/Maryland Dental Action Coalition, Columbia, MD. December 1st, 2015-

  5. Vineet Dhar. Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry. Mini Dental School session. Dental Trade Alliance. August 10th, 2015-

  6. Vineet Dhar. CE presentation on Early Childhood caries- changing concepts, Dallas, USA. Feb 21, 2015.