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Your Spitting Image

Banners for Your Spitting Image

2nd floor map showing the locations of the Bioengineering (B), Forensics (F), and Salvia (S) exhibits


Explore exciting research that will affect the future of dentistry and public oral health.  Discover the history of tooth replacement, learn about cutting-edge research being done to grow replacement teeth, and ways that genes are being used to fight disease.


Become a member of a disaster recovery team and learn how to identify victims through dental forensics by analyzing skull structures, creating dental charts, or extracting DNA from teeth.


Take part in an interactive odyssey through the mouth and familiarize yourself with the liquid that protects your teeth, aids in digestion, and improves your sense of taste.  Uncover what saliva is made of, how it works in the body, and what happens to your oral health and overall health if the salivary glands are impaired.

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