The Prevention Gallery
Discover how the focus of dentistry has changed from extraction to prevention, witness how toothbrushes, toothpastes, and mouthwashes have evolved from a chew stick to what is in your bathroom, and revisit catchy commercial jingles for dental products on the world’s only Tooth Jukebox.
Toothbrushes – From Mickey Mouse to Fred Flintstone, and rotating heads to pig bristles, discover what famous cartoons became toothbrushes and what some toothbrushes were actually made of.
Tooth Jukebox – A jukebox like no other in the world, revisit commercials and jingles for dental products from some of the biggest names in the business.
Her Majesty’s Crowns – A collection of dental instruments used by Sir Edwin Saunders, the first dentist to be knighted, on Her Majesty Queen Victoria of England.
To the left: American Cabinet Company. Doll House Dental Cabinet. 1930-1933.