Watermark Faculty Success

Watermark Faculty Success (formerly known as DMAI) is a tool for storing and reporting faculty activity. This provides faculty members with a single, convenient, and easily accessible location to update their activity data.

Watermark Faculty Success stores information about many aspects of your professional activities, including:

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Service

UMSOD uses this information to:

  • Generate faculty CVs
  • Generate custom reports for the Dean and Department Chairs
  • Collate data for accreditation
  • Easily create website faculty profiles

To log in to Watermark Faculty Success, please visit:

Website: https://www.dental.umaryland.edu/FacultySuccess

Username: your UMID

Password: your UMID password (along with DUO)

For questions, please contact facadv@umaryland.edu.

Help and Training

Screenshot of DMAI landing page

Screenshot of Watermark Faculty Success landing page

Watermark Faculty Success Documentation

For general help and useful tips, start here.

Importing Publications


Upcoming Training Sessions

Regular training sessions will be held in the near future. Please contact facadv@umaryland.edu for more information.