Pardon Our Dust

Under ConstructionThe University of Maryland School of Dentistry is beginning a multi-phase renovation and upgrade to ensure that our facilities continue to support outstanding clinical education and services. This will include state-of-the-art equipment upgrades and enhancements to clinical operations.  

Learn more below about areas impacted and be sure to attend our planned open houses.  




  • In phase A, the 5th floor simulation labs on the north end (labs A and B) will be renovated to get new flooring, new paint, and new simulators. While the labs on the north end are being renovated, all these operations will be moved to Lab C.   
    • Impact: No academic classes are booked in labs during the summer, but we know that some students may use the simulation labs, which is why we are keeping one open for use. We anticipate no major impact.  
  • The other phase A project is that on the 2nd floor, the AEGD and GP9 clinics will be relocating two hallways down the hall to the GP7 and GP8 hallways while their clinic space is getting renovated.  The AEGD receptionist area will be closed as well during this time with those services taking place around the corner at the General Dentistry GP receptionist area.   
    • Impact: All students will stay on the 3rd floor.  The AEGD clinic will continue to function just two hallways down the hall and patients will check-in around the corner at the General Practice Receptionist area.   


  • North end of clinics on the second floor.  
    • Impact: All students will be using the 3rd floor for the treatment of patients until August when the 2nd floor will be complete and available for patient treatment. 


  • In phase C, the GP directors will be moving from the first floor to the 5th floor where the Dream Lab is currently located. This move is to set-up the first floor for the new Ambulatory Surgery Center, which we anticipate beginning construction on in Spring 2025. 
    • Impact: 3rd and 4th year dental students will now meet with their GP director on the 5th floor where they relocate instead of the 1st floor. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my tuition be impacted by the renovations? 

No, any changes to tuition rates will be unrelated to the construction. The renovations are budgeted separately and will not directly impact tuition rates. While tuition rates are reviewed annually and may increase in the future, such increases will not be due to the construction.

Are we getting new chairs for students in simulation labs?  

Yes, new provider chairs will be installed in both the clinic and simulation labs.

If construction takes longer than anticipated, what will happen?  

We are closely monitoring the timeline to minimize any potential delays. If there are unforeseen delays, we will communicate promptly and make necessary adjustments to ensure minimal disruption.

How will the new equipment accommodate left-handed students?  

The new equipment is designed to be adjustable for both right-handed and left-handed students, ensuring effective use without obstruction.

Will there be any effect on areas that are not being renovated?  

No, there will be no impact on other areas. All operations in non-renovated areas will proceed as usual.

Will the third-floor occupants get to experience the second floor at any time? 

We understand the interest in accessing the second floor and are in discussions about making this possible. Our primary concern is ensuring students have access to chairs to see patients.

Is the first floor being renovated? 

Yes, but this is a separate project from the clinic renovation. An ambulatory surgery center will be built on the first floor, with construction scheduled to begin in early 2025. Student activities will continue on floors 2-5.

Will I have enough opportunities to meet my requirements? 

Ensuring students have access to dental chairs to provide clinical care is our top priority. We will prioritize students' needs and ensure that scheduling takes required competencies into consideration.


Dean Mark ReynoldsMessage from the Dean: Construction Update

June 4, 2024

Dear UMSOD Community, 

As we progress a few weeks into our clinic renovations, I wanted to provide an update to the community. We have heard and responded to students’ and faculty/staff members’ input by making the following adjustments:

  • Periodontics coverage will be combined on the second floor,
  • D4 Prosthodontics coverage will be on the third floor,
  • D3 Prosthodontics coverage will be on the second floor,
  • Prosthodontics consults will be available on both floors,
  • There will be little to no change to screening block assignments,
  • We are exploring possible solutions to address concerns about noise from oral surgery,
  • Contingency plans have been developed to ensure uninterrupted clinical and educational progression should the renovation not be completed as scheduled.

While construction is ongoing, please refrain from using the back elevator. This elevator is reserved for construction purposes only, and unauthorized use will slow down the work.

We continue to update the clinic construction website and encourage you to use the form on the website for any questions. Someone will get back to you shortly. We have also added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section based on feedback from town halls and class representatives.

Information about the renovations will be provided during D3 and D4 clinic orientation, and we will also consider holding additional town halls to share updates.

I am grateful to the leadership team for their incredible efforts in minimizing the disruptions caused by the construction. I also want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we make these important updates to our building. 


Mark A. Reynolds, DDS, PhD

Town Hall Recordings Now Available

May 6, 2024

Recordings of SOD Clinic Renovation Plan town hall meetings may be viewed here:

Dean Mark ReynoldsMessage from the Dean: Exciting News: State-of-the-Art Renovations at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry!

April 19, 2024

Dear Students, Faculty, Dean’s Faculty, and Staff:

I'm pleased to share some exciting news about upcoming changes to the School of Dentistry building. Next month, we will begin a multi-phase renovation and upgrade process to ensure that our facilities continue to support outstanding clinical education and services.

As part of this endeavor, we will be implementing state-of-the-art equipment upgrades and making necessary enhancements to our clinical operations.

While we expect some disruptions during this project, please be assured that we have carefully considered ways to minimize its impact on our students, faculty, staff, and patients. For instance, a significant portion of the scheduled work will occur over the summer months and in the evenings during the semester.

We understand the importance of keeping you informed throughout the process. To that end, we will be developing a dedicated web page and other communications to provide detailed information about the renovations and upgrades. Additionally, I would like to announce that we will be hosting multiple town halls to provide information about the planned projects and answer any questions you might have. The dates, times, audience, and location for these town halls are in the table above.

In addition to being held in person, we will also stream the town halls and will provide a link to each town hall in a follow-up communication, so please be on the lookout for that. Please note that the work being done in the first phase will not impact residents, and we will follow up with specific information for residents in the future.

These timely upgrades undoubtedly will elevate our School of Dentistry. We're proud of our clinical education, and these improvements will ensure we remain at the forefront of dentistry — providing the best learning environment for our students and the highest quality care for our patients.

Thank you for your patience and support as we embark on this journey together. I look forward to the positive impact these renovations will have on our community and our mission to advance dental education, research, and service.

Warm regards,

Mark A. Reynolds, DDS, PhD



We welcome your input. To submit questions or comments, please complete the form below. If you have any urgent questions, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at


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