Program One: Introduction and History of Oral Sedation

Location: Online Instruction
Tuition: $59.00

1 CDE credit hour - online lecture

The University of Maryland School of Dentistry designated this activity for 1 Continuing Dental Education hour.

Target Audience:  Dental Professionals
Presented by: Richard L. Wynn, PhD 
Conflict of Interest: Nothing to Disclose.
Original course release date: 
Course Review date: 
Course expiration date: 

August 8, 2024
August 2027


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Speaker Biography

Dr. WinnRichard L. Wynn, PhD, is professor emeritus of pharmacology in the Department of Neural and Pain Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.

He is a nationally recognized speaker, author, columnist, and consultant on dental drug therapeutics and drug information for the dental professional. He is the lead author of the most recognized chairside dental drug reference book, Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry, now in its 29th edition.

Dr. Wynn keeps the dental profession informed about current issues relative to drugs in dentistry, including new therapeutic agents, new drug interactions, and newly reported adverse reactions in dental patients. He researches the literature daily for new reports of interest to the profession.  

Course Description

This foundational course explores the definitions and pharmacology of oral sedation. Designed for dental professionals seeking to understand and implement oral sedation, this course provides a comprehensive review of the drugs and requirements necessary to achieve Oral Sedation Permit Level One status, as outlined by the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners. The course is divided into two parts, each focusing on different aspects of oral sedation.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of Program One, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the criteria for obtaining a Class I permit.
  • Distinguish between minimal and moderate sedation.
  • Describe the clinical efficacy of combination oral premedication and Nitrous Oxide.
  • Discuss the historical significance of ether in general anesthesia.

Course Requirements

Upon completion of the online course, participants are required to pass an online post-course assessment with a minimum grade of 75%.

Cancellation and Refund Policies

Once the online course has been accessed, no refunds will be provided.

Cancellation and Refund Policies