Online - Understanding the Challenges of Color Matching in Cosmetic Dentistry

Location: Online Instruction
Tuition: $89.00

2 CDE credit hours - online lecture

The University of Maryland School of Dentistry designated this activity for 2 Continuing Dental Education hours.

Target Audience:  Dental Professionals
Presented by: Guilherme Anziliero Arossi, DDS, MSc, PhD
Conflict of Interest: Nothing to Disclose.
Original course release date: 
Course Review date: 
Course expiration date: 

April 15, 2024
April 15, 2027


Register Here

Speaker Biography

Dr. Guilherme Anziliero Arossi is a dental professional with a wealth of experience in both clinical practice and academia. He embarked on his educational journey by graduating from Passo Fundo University (UPF) in 2001. Dr. Arossi's commitment to excellence led him to pursue a certificate in Operative Dentistry from the Centro de Estudos Odontológicos Meridional (CEOM) in 2002, and a certificate in Implant Dentistry from the Instituto Pró-Universidade Canoense (IPUC) in 2014.

Dr. Arossi completed a master’s degree in Operative Dentistry at the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA) in 2004. He then earned a PhD in Genetics from the same institution in 2009.

Dr. Arossi's contributions to education and dentistry are highly commendable. Since 2009, he has served as a Professor at the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), in 2019, he extended his influence to Feevale University.

Dr. Arossi has been an integral part of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (ABO) and American Dentistry Institute (IOA) for the last five years, where he serves as Professor of certificate courses.

In addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Arossi was an associate owner of Porto Sorriso Dental Clinic from 2009 to 2019. Currently, he is a member of the Fare Odonto & Sade team, focusing primarily on Cosmetic Dentistry.

Dr. Arossi's diverse experiences enable him to handle a wide range of cases in operative dentistry, from private practice to research and publication. As a seasoned dental professor of 12 years, he has provided invaluable mentorship to students, guiding them through various aspects of their education and clinical training. His contributions extend to curriculum development at ULBRA, reflecting his dedication to advancing dental education.

Within the realm of Biomimetic Dentistry, Dr. Arossi's research interests encompass composite resins, finishing and polishing techniques, filling procedures, and smile makeovers.

He currently is a full-time Clinical Assistant Professor of the AEGD program at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.


Course Description

This comprehensive continuing education course delves into advanced shade-matching techniques for dental professionals seeking to refine their skills in achieving precise and aesthetically pleasing restorations. Beginning with a thorough overview of color (shade) matching, this course will review the interconnections among light, objects, and observers.

Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the various color dimensions and their adaptability, with a specific emphasis on their relevance to tooth color. The course will explore the impact of lightening on shade selection, presenting a range of techniques to optimize outcomes based on individual patient needs.

Topics covered will include an examination of the merits and limitations of conventional shade guides, along with guidance on leveraging digital photographs as a powerful tool for precise shade selection. Participants will be introduced to cutting-edge technologies in shade selection, including digital scanning, spectrophotometers, and shade selection applications (Apps), offering a glimpse into the future of restorative dentistry.

By the conclusion of the course, attendees will possess a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between color, light, and tooth shade, enabling them to elevate their restorative dentistry practice through the integration of advanced shade-matching techniques and technologies. This course promises to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to consistently achieve optimal aesthetic outcomes in their clinical practice.

Course Objectives

During this lecture participants will review:

  • Diagnosis of Dental Aesthetic anomalies, problem(s), and proper treatment planning, treatment options
  • Implementation of Porcelain Laminate Veneers and Composite Laminate Veneers
  • Smile Aesthetic Analysis, assessing optimal size and shape of final restorations
  • Checklist for Veneer procedure
  • Checklist for Veneer delivery and cementation
  • Prepare designs for the best longevity and Aesthetics
  • Review of bonding procedures to different media
  • Review ceramic, porcelain and composite systems to obtain the best aesthetic results
  • Occlusion design to gain optimal longevity of restorations

Course Requirements

Upon completion of the online course, participants are required to pass an online post-course assessment with a minimum grade of 75%.

Cancellation and Refund Policies

Once the online course has been accessed, no refunds will be provided.

Cancellation and Refund Policies