Carrying purple and gold balloons, enormous bunches of flowers, and, in some cases, babies, members of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry’s (UMSOD) Class of 2024 marked the completion of their training and transition from students to professionals on May 17.

Alisha Karley, DDS ’24, holding her baby, was among the 128 dental students and 12 dental hygiene students who marched May 17 during the Honors Convocation at the Hippodrome Theatre. (Photos by Matthew D’Agostino / UMB)
The day’s festivities began with UMSOD’s Honors Convocation, held at Baltimore’s Hippodrome Theatre, and were part of several days of celebratory events including an outdoor, tented celebration held May 15 by the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) for all University graduates and their family members.
UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, offered welcoming remarks at the convocation, congratulating the UMSOD graduates and noting that they now possessed “the skills and wisdom to help mankind.”
“I look forward to hearing great things about you,” he said before conferring the 12 dental hygiene degrees and 128 dental degrees.
During the ceremony, Jarrell also presented an honorary Doctor of Science degree to Dennis Brave, DDS ’69, in recognition of his contributions to the endodontic practice.
Describing Brave as having made transformative changes in the field, UMSOD Dean Mark A. Reynolds, DDS ’86, PhD, said the honoree’s “inventive spirit has advanced the clinical specialty, translating his ideas into tangible instruments and technologies that not only enhance the work of dental professionals but also significantly improve patient outcomes.”
Reynolds also announced that Chris Choi, DMD, MS, clinical assistant professor and director, Predoctoral Prosthodontics, was the 2024 recipient of the Frank J. Sinnreich Jr. Excellence in Teaching Award, which is given annually to a faculty member selected by the graduating class.
Several other guests also made remarks at the Honors Convocation including Melvin F. Kushner, DDS ’66, chair of UMSOD’s Board of Visitors, and Joanne Block Rief, DDS ’86, president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
“As memorable as today — the day you receive your dental and dental hygiene degrees — may be, it really is only the beginning of your long, successful, productive careers in oral health,” Block Rief said. “We cannot wait to see where your passion and professionalism will take you. Just remember, the sky is the limit!”
Bright smiles lit up the graduates’ faces as they gathered with family members and friends on the School of Dentistry front lawn for photographs and a celebratory brunch immediately after the Honors Convocation.
The festive affair was followed by UMSOD’s Military Commissioning Ceremony, where Allison Marie Orlosky, DDS, U.S. Navy, and Zachary Thaddeus Palas, DDS, U.S. Army, took their oath of office and began their military service. (Two other UMSOD graduates — Dae Min Jeon, DDS ’24, U.S. Army, and Tae Young Lim, DDS ’20, U.S. Army — were unable to attend.)