Cryo-ultramicrotomy Minicourse

CryoUltramicrotomy CourseDate: October 17-18, 2016

Location: University of Maryland Baltimore, Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Facility (EMCIF)

Instructor: Dr. Helmut Gnaegi, Diatome Ltd

Lecturer and demonstrator: EMCIF Director (Dr. Ru-ching Hsia)  and staff

Scope of aims:  To promote the knowledge and skills of advanced cryo-ultramicrotomy techniques

Targeted participants:  Individuals who are experienced with ultramicrotome operation at ambient temperature and wish to extend their skills to include sectioning CEMOVIS and Tokuyasu immunolabeling specimen

Format: Lecture, demonstration and hands-on practice

Techniques covered: High pressure freezing of  samples for Cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS), Cryo-sectioning of CEMOVIS samples, Cryo sectioning of sucrose infused biological sample (for Tokuyasu immunolabeling)

Instrumentation: High pressure freezer ( Leica EMPACT II); Cryoultramicrotome (Leica UC6/FC7); Two Micromanipulator (EMS/Diatome)

Companion IGSS workshop on October 19 to 21 will cover Tokuyasu immunolabeling techniques along with post-embedding and pre-embedding immunogold labeling techniques.  Participants of cryo ultramicrotomy course that are interested to  learn the whole Tokuyasu immunolabeling methods are strongly encourage to attend IGSS workshop as well. 

Course agenda  will be available soon

Registration Fee: $600   ($550 if also attend Aurion IGSS workshop on 10/19-10/21, 2016)                          

Participants: maximum 6

Register Now

Regisstration will close when all spaces are filled.

Payment methods:

An invoice will be e-mailed to you within five business days upon the receipt of registration.

Registration can be paid by check or credit card.

Lodging: A list of nearby hotels that offer special rate for UMB guests is available upon request, please contact EMCIF.

Other inquiry: E-mail